Serial Number: 67949S7 was this a saltwood year Browning took down the serial number year information Thanks Buddy Search ' ' across the entire site Search ' ' in this forum Search ' ' in this discussion. Starting in 1969 Browning began the actual number using two digits for the date of manufacture, followed by an M. The number before M is the year. M=BAR High Power Rifle. This was then followed by the serial number beginning with 1000. Example: 69M1000 = A 1969 BAR High Power rifle with a serial number of 1000.' Browning FN Mauser Safari.264 Win. Serial number: L9040 (ca. Mag., blue steel stepped Sporter weight barrel, early style fully adjustable rear sight and hooded ramp.Click for more info.

In 1889, Fabrique Nationale (or FN) was founded by a group of Belgian investors for the purpose of manufacturing Mauser rifles for Belgian army. This was to be accomplished under the license from Mauser, with technical assistance of Ludwig Loewe of Berlin. A few years later, in late 1890s, John Browning arrived in Europe seeking a manufacturer for his semi-automatic shotgun. He had severed his ties with Winchester, after a disagreement. This led to a long association that worked out extremely well for both parties. Later Browning became associated with Colt and the world market was divided—with Eastern Hemisphere going to FN and Western Hemisphere to Colt. In this section, we list arms that bear the FN banner. FN-manufactured firearms produced under the Browning banner, are listed in Browning section of this book.
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