Aircrack-ng is a well known, free wireless password cracking software written in C. Hint: Use a Password Manager. If you find yourself forgetting your Wifi password all the time, and even the above two methods are a hassle, here’s a recommendation: Use a third-party Mac password manager! How To Hack Wifi Password On Mac Using Terminal. Third-party password management apps remember your passwords for you so that you don’t. How to hack wifi password with in 2 minutes in mac terminal; has been made public on our website after successful testing. This tool will work great on MAC OS and WINDOWS OS platforms.And Latest mobile platforms How to hack wifi password with in 2 minutes in mac terminal has based on open source technologies, our tool is secure and safe to use.
In this article, we will use Aircrack-Ng and dictionary attack method with encrypted password taken from the 4-step handshake process.
When Wi-Fi was first developed in the late 1990s, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was created to secure wireless communications, but it has many bugs and is easily cracked. For that reason, most wireless access points now use Wi-Fi Protected Access II with pre-shared key for wireless security, also known as WPA2-PSK. WPA2 uses encryption algorithm, AES is stronger, so it is difficult to crack, but not impossible. The weakness in WPA2-PSK system is that the encrypted password is shared during 4-way handshake (4-way handshake). When the client authenticates to the access point (AP), the client and AP perform a 4-way handshake to authenticate the user to the AP. This is the time to hack the password.
- Wireless security: Say NO to WEP and YES to WPA
In this article, we will use Aircrack-Ng and dictionary attack method with the password encrypted from the 4-step handshake process.
- How to find Wi-Fi passwords of relatives
How to hack WiFi password with Aircrack-Ng
Step 1: Set up Wi-Fi adapter in Monitor Mode with Airmon-Ng
First, we need to use a wireless network adapter compatible with Kali Linux.
- The best 8 long-range Wifi routers in 2017
This is similar to setting up a wired adapter in mixed mode (promiscuous mode). It allows to see all the wireless traffic going through. Open the Terminal window and type:
airmon-ng start wlan0
Note, airmon-ng renames adapter wlan0 to mon0.
Step 2 : Get traffic information with Airodump-Ng
Now wireless adapter is in Monitor mode, so all wireless traffic can be seen. Get traffic information using the airodump-ng command.
This command takes all the traffic that the wireless adapter can see and displays important information about it such as BSSID (AP's MAC address), power, beacon frame number, data frame number, channel, speed , encryption (if any), and finally ESSID (SSID). Type the following command in the terminal:
airodump-ng mon0
Note, all visible APs are listed at the top of the screen and the clients are listed at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Concentrate Airodump-Ng on an access point on a channel
The next step is to focus on one AP on one channel and collect important data from there. To do this need the BSSID and channel, open another Terminal window and type:
airodump-ng --bssid 08: 86: 30: 74: 22: 76 -c 6 --write WPAcrack mon0
- 08: 86: 30: 74: 22: 76 is the AP's BSSID
- -c 6 is the channel in which the AP is operating
- WPAcrack is the file you want to write
- mon0 is a wireless adapter
As shown in the screenshot above, focus on collecting data from an AP with Belkin276's ESSID on channel 6.
Step 4: Aireplay-Ng Deauth
In order to get encrypted passwords, we need to have an authentic client for the AP. If it is authenticated, we can remove authentication and the system will automatically confirm it, so that the encrypted password can be retrieved. Please open another terminal window and type:
aireplay-ng --deauth 100 -a 08: 86: 30: 74: 22: 76 mon0
- 100 is the number of un-verified frames
- 08: 86: 30: 74: 22: 76 is the AP's BSSID
- mon0 is a wireless adapter
Step 5: The 4-way handshake process

In the previous step, when they re-authenticate the password, airodump-ng will try to retrieve the password during the 4-way handshake. Go back to the terminal window airodump-ng and check to see if it succeeded.
If on the top right line has ' WPA handshake ' written, it means that the process of obtaining the encrypted password was successful.
Step 6: Now we have the encrypted password in the WPAcrack file. Run the file using a password file, here use the default password list named darkcOde. Now, crack the password by opening a terminal and typing:
aircrack-ng WPAcrack-01.cap -w / pentest / passwords / wordlists / darkc0de
- WPAcrack-01.cap is the file name written in the command airodump-ng
- / pentest / passwords / wordlist / darkc0de is the absolute path to the password file
This process can be relatively slow and tedious. Depending on the length of the password list, you may have to wait a few minutes to a few days. When the password is found, it will appear on the screen. Remember, password files are very important. Try the default password file first and if it fails, proceed to a larger and more complete password file.
Maybe you want to know: How to hack Wifi passwords using Wifiphisher
I wish you all success!
how to hack a phone
To begin with a day till the night, we all are busy with our smartphones. We all know that the smartphones have become an important part of our life. Most importantly, we use smartphones to connect with people. But everything in this universe has it’s pro and cons as well. So, there are several advantages and several problems with smartphones which may affect our life. For example, as a parent or head of a company, we can have a fear of getting our child in wrong hands or getting cheated by our employees. In order to prevent this situation from occurring, one of the best ways is to track them and their phone. In this article, I will try to tell you almost everything about how to hack a phone.
How to Hack a Phone (Android)?
A while ago, I watched a documentary on two white hat hackers, hacking about 12 students mobiles. However, their attack method was outdated compared to present one. They used two laptops, and Maltego CE Transformers to create a MiTM (Man-in-The-Middle) attack. They actually proved their point by entering some of the students mobiles, accessing their Facebook accounts, reading their emails, this was a test just to show what they could do.
The main part of their attack was the Wi-fi pineapple which costs $100. There are tons of software which are avilable for free on the internet like the raspberry pi v3 and kali Linux. In my next post, I will try to cover some basic concepts of it.
MAC Spoofing
A Media Access Control address is a 12-character unique identifier assigned to the network adapter of your WiFi device. A MAC address can be used to uniquely identify the smartphone of your friend whom you want to hack the Whatsapp account. If you want to access the WhatsApp account of your friend, you need to find the MAC address of their account. Follow the below steps in order to hack your friend’s account.
Hack Wifi Password Website
First, uninstall WhatsApp from your device. Secondly, acquire the smartphone of the target(victim) that you wish to hack. The victim’s mobile phone will be essential at two variant steps throughout the hacking process. Be cautious while using the victim’s phone. Don’t take much time and try to place it back before the victim starts to locate the device. Thirdly, locate the MAC address from the target’s phone. A MAC address is a 12-character identifier.
A MAC address varies from one device to other. So, try to find the platform of the victim’s smartphone. Also, find the MAC address of your own smartphone and save it in a secure manner.
Next, spoof your MAC address similar to the victim’s MAC address. by doing this, the MAC address allow your mobile device to disguise as victim’s device. Also, there is an advantage of letting you persuade WhatsApp that you are logging into your own account. But, truly you are trying to log in into the victim’s WhatsApp account. Next, install various spoofing applications depending on the victim’s smartphone. For android device, go for terminal emulator and busy box. For IOS device, go for MacDaddy X or Wi-fi Spoof.
Hack Wifi Password Without Download
How to Hack a Phone using Terminal Emulator
While using terminal, type “ip link show” and it will show a list of interfaces. after that, identify the one which has your MAC address.
In the terminal emulator, enter “ip link set eth0 address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX” and “ip link set eth0 broadcast XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX”, where eth0 is the interface you identified and XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is your target’s MAC address. Next, reinstall and configure WhatsApp in your smartphone. After doing this, you can access the victim’s account. So, start this by adding the phone number of the victim’s account while setting up the account. This allows you to receive and send messages from the victim’s account.
During the configuration process, the confirmation code will be sent to victim’s phone number. Access the victim’s phone for the last time to acquire that verification code. Enter that code in your phone and you are good to go. Next, change your MAC address as quick as possible after successfully accessing the victim’s phone.
How to Hack a Phone using Spyware?

According to the current market trend, there are many companies that are promoting spyware applications and people are willing to pay for it. But before doing such thing, choose only genuine companies which are trustworthy. According to me, MySpy is one of the most trustworthy spying application available on play store. You will have to download and install the mySpy app onto the victim’s phone on which you want to access and monitor the WhatsApp messages. The spy apps that you use are very much essential and intended for the employees, parents, government officials in order to access or monitor the activities of subordinates, children and other . Here are some steps on “how to hack a phone using MySpy” application.
First of all, make sure that the victim gives permission to access and monitor their mobile. After that, install MySpy on your phone as well as on victim’s phone. Next, follow the instructions carefully so as to install the app and make sure that you configure all your settings properly. Now it’s time to start our hacking process. Now, you can receive and send messages on the victim’s account. Finally, you’ve have hacked the victim’s account. If you’ve any other great ideas, comment down below and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.